Registration - theory meets patient

Successful removable dentures are based on impeccable working documents for practice and laboratory. The anatomical initial impression, the functional impression, the pre-bite registration as well as the determination of the final jaw relation with the intraoral support pin registration are elaborated extensively based on an thorough examination of the patient.

Certificat de fin de formation


Livret de travail

enseignant certifié


Questions (après le cours)


The participants will be able to structure and classify the subsequent steps and work processes with the help of the medical history. Taking the impressions and implementing the jaw relation, as well as creating and assessing the insertion and implementation of support pin registration.

  • Medical history of the patient
  • Analysis of the existing denture
  • Anatomic and functional impression
  • Esthetic control template
  • Intraoral support pin registration
Groupe cible:
  • Dental technicians
  • Prosthodontists
  • Clinical dental technicians
Expérience recommandée:
  • Advanced 3-5 Jahre
  • Expert >5 years

Offres inhouse

Cette formation n'est actuellement pas publiée. Nous pouvons volontiers te faire une offre individuelle pour une formation en entreprise.



Sujets principaux


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