Tempo di lettura: 2 min
Thema: Informazioni, News
How training can be stress-free and increase your know-how

With the SSOP in-house offer, you can bring our teachers with the complete SSOP course program to your own laboratory or practice.

This allows you to expand your anatomical and prosthetic knowledge and technical know-how directly on site. This can close gaps in knowledge, harmonize expertise within the team and allow direct integration into laboratory or practice processes.

This has several unbeatable advantages:

  • No travel or accommodation costs for your team
  • You determine the date, so that it fits into the daily laboratory or practice routine
  • All employees working on this topic can be trained so that everyone has the same level of knowledge afterwards
  • By working in your own laboratory, the training takes place in an environment in which you feel comfortable and safe
  • Thanks to the individuality factor, our teacher can tailor the course to your working environment and processes.


In conjunction with SSOP consulting, this can usually result in further productivity gains. In-house training courses are therefore an ideal model for implementing training simply, sustainably and successfully in your own laboratory.

So when will the SSOP be training your team?

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Contact us for an initial consultation so that we can find out your training needs together and put together a suitable program.

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