Designing natural gingiva through characterization
Characterization is indispensable for a denture that aspires to look as natural as possible. In hectic times and with increasing digitization, the characterization of dentures has become a sought-after skill in the technical dental field. The SSOP supports laboratories in refreshing and deepening this knowledge and skill.

The SSOP presents a new workshop in its portfolio.

Characterization is indispensable for a denture that aspires to look as natural as possible. In hectic times and with increasing digitization, the characterization of dentures has become a sought-after skill in the technical dental field. The SSOP supports laboratories in refreshing and deepening this knowledge and skill.

To this purpose, it is launching a new format in its continuing education portfolio with the one-day workshop „Esthetic Gingiva“. The focus is placed on a hands-on demonstration and exercise on the topic of characterization. The individual color design of the denture is developed step by step. By analyzing the different gingival layers and their specific color system, a scheme can thus be transferred to the denture. The result is a denture which comes very close to a natural gingiva.

The focus of this SSOP event is also on individual learning success. The SSOP achieves this through its didactically designed program, its professionally trained teachers, and its in-house accompanying teaching materials. The products used in this workshop are of course, as usual, provided by CANDULOR. The SSOP also offers training courses in-house, so that entire laboratory teams can be trained at the same time. More information on the subject can be accessed on the SSOP website.

Press contact: Sara Marconcini – Marketing Manager

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