Crossbite & Angle - how to resolve complicated bite positions

This course elaborates solutions for complicated full denture bite situations (patient cases). Participants will bring their patient case mounted in the articulator to this course and develop a setup independently in the hands-on phase with the help of our teacher.

Certificat de fin de formation


Livret de travail

enseignant certifié


Questions (après le cours)


Participants will be able to apply their newly acquired knowledge to the patient situation in a differentiated manner. Model situations, jaw relationships and patient analyses can be identified, classified and assessed. The development of a ridge-adequate setup for crossbite and consideration of the angle classes can be performed.

  • Model analysis
  • Better assessment of the crossbite situation
  • Alveolar ridge situations
  • Solving angle classes with prosthetics
Groupe cible:
  • Dental technicians
  • Prosthodontists
  • Clinical dental technicians
Expérience recommandée:
  • Expert >5 years

Offres inhouse

Cette formation n'est actuellement pas publiée. Nous pouvons volontiers te faire une offre individuelle pour une formation en entreprise.



Sujets principaux


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