Designing natural gingiva through characterization

In this workshop, the individual color design of a denture is demonstrated step by step and worked out in a practical manner. The focus is on the analysis of the different gingival layers and their specific color system. These are demonstrated and practiced with the preset CANDULOR colors 53, 55, 57 and the AESTHETIC Intensive Colors.

Certificato di completamento


Conferma di partecipazione


Learning and enhancing the color characterization of the gingiva.

  • Simple characterization with three colors
  • Color analysis: individual characterization gingiva colors + pigments
  • Characterization demo in the PolyMaster
  • Finishing and polishing
  • Master dental technicians
  • Dental technicians
  • Prosthodontists
Esperienza consigliata:
  • Advanced 3-5 Jahre
  • Expert >5 years

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