The Power Denture Days combine two courses for a great basic knowledge of full dentures in theory and practise with the set up according to the GERBER concept.
Conferma di partecipazione
insegnante certificato
Materiali di consumo
Domande (dopo il corso)
Day 1: The technical foundation of full dentures
Full dentures is a frequently underestimated but nevertheless challenging form of restoration that restores primary functionality and the orofacial effect for the patient’s environment. The anatomical and prostGERBER concepthetic knowledge of the types and execution of the clinical and technical working steps that are required for crafted high-quality full dentures will be refreshed and consolidated.
Day 2: Setup according to the GERBER concept
The focus of this course is on model analysis, average anterior tooth set-up and posterior tooth set-up based on GERBER with the Condyloform II NFC+.
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