Setup according to the physiological concept

Physiological occlusion in bilateral compensation under tooth-guided movement is the subject of this course. It covers the basics of model analysis through to tooth set-up in wax.


Confirmation of participation


certified teacher

Questions (after the course)

Learning objectives:

Participants are able to visualize, execute and interpret the working model analysis. Building on this result, they will be able to perform and model the setup according to the physiological concept and assess and adjust the occlusion.

  • Sequence of the model analysis
  • Average anterior tooth set-up
  • Chewable centre
  • Sequence and positioning of the posterior teeth
  • Static and dynamic occlusion with the PhysioSelect TCR
Target groups:
  • Dentists
  • Dental Technicians
  • Clinical dental technicians


Opmerking: De cursus 'Setup according to the physiological concept'  is accrediteerd volgens het KRTP-kwaliteitsregister. Daardoor kunnen praktiserende prothesemakers in Nederland met deze cursus belangrijke punten voor permanente educatie verzamelen en zo hun kennis en expertise aantoonbaar op peil houden.
Opleidingspunten: 7.5

Recommended experience:
  • in training < 1 year
  • Beginners 1-3 Jahre
  • Advanced 3-5 Jahre

In house offer

This training course is currently not advertised. We would be happy to make you an individual offer for an in-house training course.



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Setup according to the physiological concept
18.11.2024 |
one day
Utrecht, NL

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