A unique further education concept for removable dentures
Understanding prosthetics
Wir bauen auf die Basis moderner abnehmbarer Prothetik, die in besonderer Weise von den Schweizer Pionieren GYSI und GERBER geschaffen wurden. Sie forschten, lehrten und entwickelten in Zürich umfassende prothetische, klinische und labortechnische Vorgehensweisen. Sie entwickelten und testeten Hilfsmittel, Artikulatoren und sogar künstliche Zähne. So beeinflussten sie auch massgeblich den gingival gelagerten, den periodontal sowie den heute auf Implantaten gestützten abnehmbaren Zahnersatz und die Beschreibung anatomisch-physiologischer Grundlagen. Aufbauend auf den wissenschaftlich fundierten Erkenntnissen und gefördert von der Candulor, wurde die SSOP 2019 als eigene Bildungsinitiative gegründet. Candulor ist seit über 80 Jahren mit Produkten und Schulungen im dentalen Markt etabliert und steht für Wissen, Erfahrung, Präzision, Ästhetik und Schweizer Qualität.

Communicating prosthetics
We organize our training courses from our headquarters in Zurich and maintain a network of professional and in-house trained and certified teachers. This allows us to create a perfect link between theory and practice, because we are more than merely product or application training. Our further education program offers comprehensive knowledge of removable dentures, which turns our course participants into experts step by step - in theory and practice and in modules that build on each other.

Experience excellence
With us, everything is based on a specially developed training concept. In doing so, we place the emphasis on the learners, which we achieve through a high standard of quality in terms of a learning plan, didactics and the staffing of lecturers and experts. We are certified according to ISO 21001:2018 and are therefore committed to continuously improving the quality of our learning services. At the same time, we thus improve the participants' chances of learning success. After all, it is only by applying continuous quality management that we can maintain our claim to excellence and knowledge transfer in the long term.

Learning beyond borders
We are open-minded and would like to reach out to dentists, dental technicians and prosthodontists from different nations and cultures. With our guiding principle «Knowledge connects», we wish to ensure that prosthetic knowledge is passed on to the next generations and to restore and maintain the quality of life of patients who depend on good dental restorations.
«SSOP is not just "any" training program. With us, experienced experts from teaching and practice, from dentistry and dental technology, share their extensive knowledge with you. Certified, sophisticated and with high learning success.»
Oliver BenzHead of Education
Our teachers
Learning should be fun
When selecting our teachers, we place great importance on outstanding professional expertise and high practice relevance. However, it is not only the technical skills that are important to us, but also an open personality and the ability to pass on one's own knowledge convincingly. To achieve this, we have developed our own in-house teacher certification. This is an indispensable prerequisite for working for the SSOP.
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