Lesedauer: 3 Min
Thema: Ervaring, Technieken
Which artificial teeth to choose?

In the internet by searching „Artificial Teeth“ you will probably discover a multitude of options at very different prices. So, how to choose? Several criteria should guide your choice depending on the work to be done. Let’s study them together.

1| The composition.

Depending on the clinical case, it is important to choose a tooth adapted to the treatment. Indeed, companies offering quality products also offer you a variety of ranges of teeth. Behind these different ranges of teeth, there is a research department that carries out in vitro and in vivo tests. The goal is to offer a product adapted to the case to be treated. You will most often find teeth made of composite resin, cross-linked or double-cross-linked PMMA resin, and teeth made of PMMA resin. These are the most used materials. Each product has a different degree of elasticity and a different resistance to bending. These data take on their full value during implant-supported work or having a natural tooth as an antagonist for example.

The quality of the composition is also responsible for the wear, more or less rapid, of the teeth, of the resistance to staining and discoloration. Be aware of choosing the quality option because the patient who invests in the purchase of a denture does not imagine having to change it in a year.

2| Morphology

There are different morphologies of prefabricated teeth. They are classified according to the angle formed by their cusps such as anatomical teeth >30°, semi-anatomical <30° and non-anatomical = 0° but also according to the philosophy for which they are intended, Gerber philosophy, lingualize occlusion, Sears, TIF…

Cases of occlusion class II and III will require a specific occlusal modification by selective grinding in the laboratory. Example: in a young person, I make a partial denture to replace 44,45,46. The antagonist teeth are natural and well cusped, I could consider choosing an anatomical tooth.

The lower ridge has lost its height, I will choose a semi-cusped tooth. But, if I want to ensure optimum maintenance of the lower denture, I will opt for a lingualize occlusion setup or a Gerber-type setup. (Curious, visit the training options on this site)

Der untere Kieferkamm hatte an Höhe verloren, daher wählte ich einen halbkuspidierten Zahn. Um den optimalen Halt der unteren Prothese sicherzustellen, entschied ich mich für eine lingualisierte bzw. Gerber-Aufstellung. (Wenn Du Dich in Aufstellkonzepten weiterbilden möchtest, besuche unsere Fortbildungen. Mehr dazu findest Du auf dieser Webseite).

3| The price.

This is „THE“ topic of discussion. But wrongly so, because what really counts is that the patient receives a product of good quality that lasts a long time and is tailored to their own needs.

Did you find the answers to your questions? If you would like to learn more in practice, why not attend a training course at the Swiss School of Prosthetics.

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